If you need any specfic texture, timelapse shot, hdri panorama.

Post a comment!

and i will see what i can do….

96 comments on “I NEED THIS …….. FOOTAGE”

  • peter

    first of all…thank you for the great footage that you are sharing!!!
    It would be great if you could make some makro timelapse shots. Something like melting ice or fruits, vegetables that are fouling.


  • arvind

    dear markus,Please,I need LONGER duration clips of the bucharest by night and the highway- day and night clips.possible? thank you.the longer the better.in case there is an ftp source please do let me know and I shall download. LONGER the BETTER

  • admin (author)

    Hi arvind, I am sorry i don´t have a longer duration of the clips requested by you…all the clips released on openfootage are as long as you can download them… ftp source is not possible for me to handle and would be very time consuming to administrate (without money :)) ….but all the downloads should be available…if not write a comment to the regarding post and i will check that…

  • admin (author)

    …it´s hard to make the duration of the timelapse sequences longer because of the huge data that has for example a 300mb download so the max time for timelapse will be about 15sec that you can be able to download the clips ..

  • admin (author)

    Dear Peter,
    it took me some time but in the next week ther will be a macro timelapse serie with some makro shots…

  • Pradeep

    Hi, This is a great initiative! I like flowing water footages. normal speed

  • admin (author)

    i will see what i can do…

  • void

    You really film the footage that we need? i need a glass with wine falling and breaking in slow motion

  • admin (author)

    No that´s not the point. When I shoot new collections for openfootage i will consider your wishes but there is no commitment that i will really do 🙂 this page is some kind of a side project for me. But you can tell me your wishes and maybe (if i need the equipment anyway) I will shoot a glass breaking apart for you…

  • Pete S

    I don’t want anything – I just want to say thank you for sharing these wonderful clips.

    Your a good man Charlie Brown!


  • Rhys

    Very good thanks heaps!!!

    This might not be possible to get, but can you take a hdri of inside like a car shop that has lots of windows?

    That would be awesome thanks. I need to spread this site link around, get it popular 🙂

  • Jeff

    Awesome site and thanks for sharing. One request i have for panoramic HDRI’s would be of factories & warehouses. Thanks again for these resources.


  • Noman khanzada

    hi sir are you doing really nice work for everyone those are related to filmmaking. sir i need a mosque time lapes and . a smoke and fire and explosion sourt of footages

  • gayatri

    Hi sir,it would be really great if you could also post sunrise footages.Thanks for all the good work.

  • Carl

    First of all: awesome site …

    Is there any chance to get footage at normal speed of a night-time city street kind of scene? Or slow motion of fishes?
    I also like the idea of slo-mo elements like smoke and cloud-chambers.

    So long, keep up this amazing work!
    Greeting from Germany


  • greg

    Hey man, great stuff, thanks for sharing!

    Could you record fog thats building/vanishing? That would rock.

  • admin

    many wishes …. i will see what i can do at the next shooting!

  • arti

    hi, need footage of different fruits flying towards the camera… or different fruits falling down 15 seconds plss

  • designplus

    I must tell you this is the greatest high quality cg (free) resource I have come across. Your site’s bookmarked and once I finish this new project I’ll buy you a beer. Absolutely fantastic! Keep it up!

  • sean

    Thanks a bunch. I don’t need anything, just sayimg I appreciate what you are doing.

  • jerry

    thank you very much , sharing the video footage and cool texture .

  • kampi

    first i wanna thank you for this great site and your generousity!!!

    i mentioned by downloading and expanding the archiv of “sunset-italy” that a lot of pictures are missing or are corrupted in the archive.
    is it possible to fix it? its an amazing beautiful shot but with so much lost frames it is a little bit juddering…

    would be great and thx in advance

    keep it up!


  • admin

    Hello kampi,
    download is fixed now!

  • Qasim Shuja


    i just want to say thank u for the stuff u shared…..

  • ely862me

    Very much appreciated your work..Thanks a lot!
    If u can add more cars related HDRI s will be great(night scenes if can,drag scenes..).
    Thanks again!

  • robert

    Awesome side.. wonderful pictures.
    Could you add something about how you are doing the pictures? Especially HDR images. I’m desperate in need of doing some on my own (would share it with you).

  • jkushwara


    Fantastic resource – the work you’ve put into this collection is outstanding ! If there’s any possibility I’d love to see more “industrial” HDRI panaromas – factory / office – the more interesting and exotic the better. A huge thank you for all you’ve done.

  • florinursache

    hello – i like your site especialy hdri panoramas
    i would like to share us new blue skys hdri’s 360 panoramas with clouds – they are very good for architectural visualisation. thanks

  • admin

    i will see what I can do….

  • wei ming

    OMD your site is realy great that give us a lots help,great thanks to you, so cool, but maybe you can upload longer duration clips in the future. anyway, we will keep on eyes to your web!!!!!


  • John A


    Fab site you got here btw – very impressed with the quality of the footage.

    I’m looking for HD Video footage of sand blowing of the top of sand dunes in real time 20-30 seconds or so. May be a tricky one to get unless you have a make shift desert close to hand 🙂
    But it you ever get the chance that would be fantastic.


  • John R

    Your work is amazing. I can’t stress that enough, but I think your site needs more variety in terms of your scenery. The footage I am in real dire need of is cityscapes or timelapse shots of big city activity in downtown urban areas.

    Props Mate! 🙂

  • Mephisto

    your site is really amazing. Thanks for sharing your textures.
    Now i am looking for a night hdri panorama of a field. I have to render some viauals of several luminaires and i would like to have a clean night sky without any citylights in the background.


  • larrotino

    I need an hdri panorama of an internal house, sometinhg like kitchen…Thanks!

  • Victor

    I don’t need anything, I just wanted to thanks you for your awesome work here.

    Seriously, there are no many persons like you in this world!

  • GEO

    Im satisfaided wath i found here, but i want to ask u, have u ever think put 3d models here? it would be nice to put my 3d model in such webpage like yours 😀

  • Tom

    I would love an entire day timelapse of a city or town, would be awesome to see the sun rise and the city come to life and then the sunset and the all the lights switch on.

  • Toufik

    hello thanks its a useful website … but ther is only
    timelaps footage’s any normal one?

  • admin (author)

    no …only timelapse footage

  • _jo

    ich bin begeistert von dieser seite! noch dazu ist sie von einem landsmann 🙂 vor allem die hdri-bilder zählen zu den besten im web.

    danke für die tollen ressourcen!

    grüße aus graz

  • GEO

    Hi, your HDRI ar amazing, but it would be nice to have only sky HDRI, without ground, so if you can make some, sunsets specialy 🙂
    thank you for your free images.

  • Randy from Nevada

    Hi! Thank you very, very much for this great resource! I have been working on and using computer for over 30 years, but am just recently starting to play with 3d rendering and such. The things you have posted are a real treasure trove.

    I could use an HDRI image (mostly for lighting) of an indoor area of an industrial or warehouse-type interior. Open space, but no natural light, or with girders/machinery or such things would be ok too.

    Thanks again, greetings to all from the High Desert of Nevada, somewhere near Area 51…

  • VaultAvenger / Tim

    I haven’t found your name, but some say Markus.
    So, Hallo Markus,
    your site is absolutely outstanding unbeliveable! I’ve never seen a free resource site of this quality. So first of all thanks a lot for sharing those things.
    I just start to do photomanipulations and 3d renderings. I use Cinema 4D and would like to see more HDRIs from outside scenes. Something like parks or nice nature panoramas with a wide and long view. They’re very useful for architectural visuals.
    For so long with greatings from Braunschweig Tim

  • sotsun

    firstly thanks all your greak works. just i wanted to ask that is there any possiblity to make background plates for cgi like in https://www.hdri-locations.com/ ?

    thanks again and waiting your new works…

  • Chris

    Hi I absolutly love your HDRI Panorama! If theres one HDRI that I would need it would be a HDRI from a race track, F1 or Nascar :). Keep up the great work!

    Thanks a lot

  • Joel

    You have some wonderful work here! If you are looking for some inspiration, some facades at night might be interesting, tileable in x and y would be nice too if it works. Just a suggestion. Keep it up!

  • larrotino

    hello – i like some house interiorir hdri panoramas. it’s possible?

  • vjay bass

    It’s truly wonderful to see you share this. It’s really great fro student filmmakers like me to get a hand on such creations.

    vjay bass

  • ragged

    Thanks 4 your footage! Great content. I’ll click everyday on the ads… 😉

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