Large Fluid Ball alpha, Alpha footage, artistic, ball, cg, depth channel, exr, floating, Fluid, fluid, grey, liquid, random, simulation, water, white
Particle 02 with alpha Alpha footage, alpha footage, colorvariations, fluid like, millions, particle, Particle
Fireball alpha, Alpha footage, ball, cg, fire, fireball with alpha, Particle, POV fireball, Smoke Fire footage, towards thje camera
Snow slowmotion bokeh, filmed, Openslowmo, particle, Particle, real, slowmotion, Slowmotion, Snow, Snow
Particle 02 with alpha alpha, Alpha footage, blue grading, colors, compositing, fluid, fluidlike, graphic, ink, millions, motion, particle, Particle, relighting, simulation, stream, underwater
Autumn leaves with alpha matte in motion 0214, 1080p, 214, alpha channel, Alpha footage, Autumn, nice colors, real footage, Realtime Footage, tree, yellow
Firework New Year Salzburg 2015 firwork, massive, multiple, Particle, Realtime Footage, red, salzburg
large scale smoke II alpha, Alpha footage,, cgi smoke, large scale, relight. layer, SMOKE, Smoke Fire footage
Particle 01 with alpha alpha, Alpha footage, Different gradings, fluid, ink, Million, particle, Particle, Particles, unique, water
Tree with alpha matte animation 210, alpha, Alpha footage, animation, Autumn, compositing, quicktime, Realtime Footage, transparency, tree – Water drops 02 1000fps, boke, drops, Fluid, Openslowmo, Openslowmo, particle, Particle, slowmotion, Slowmotion, smooth, spinning, water
Snowfall 1080p, 720p, alpha channel, cgi, Ntsc, Pal, Particle, Snow, Snow falling, Snow layer, snowfall