Who We Are
We are filmmakers and 3d artists trying to make footage that is useful for us 🙂 and the rest of the world. Our focus is on VFX and compositing to make footage that is ready for production.
Have a look at our Portfolio at zenofilm.at and hire us if you need any vfx, animations or visual elements. Greetings Markus + Petra
Thomas Solberg
Hi there.
Just found you page today though a link from youtube. I really like you timelapse movies. Keep ’em coming and keep up the good work
Greetings from Denmark
Best regards
Thomas Solberg
great stuff,
thanks a lot
Somebody mentioned you on digitaljuice.com today, so glad I found this site. Thanks for sharing!
Thx u so much for great quality footage. You can see one of them on my website.
No one is giving this type of HDRI for free.
U have Gr8 collection thanks dude…
only one Q Have U made It??
Thanks allot.
admin (author)
thanks for your comments!
Yes i have made it…Nikon D200 +10.5mm fisheye and a Nodal Ninja for the HDRI´s.
Großartige Idee mit dem Blog und beeindruckende Sachen, auf die idee hd-timlaps mit der dslr zu machen bin ich noch garnicht gekommen.
Ich würde mir mal ein längeres wünschen, wegen traffic vielleicht nur 720p – die hdris sind auch sehr schön.
admin (author)
Dank dir…von Breeze systems gibts eine timelpase Steuerung für Canon Kameras, für Nikon gibt´s was ähnliches direkt vom Hersteller. Auf längere shots haben mich schon einige angesprochen…und es wird in naher Zukunft auch einige clips geben!
Thank you….Breeze Systems offers a timelapse control software for canon cameras and nikon has also a camera control software for their dslr´s. Many people asked me for longer timelapse clips …and in the near future there will be some longer shots!
Thank you very much the HDRI and the textures are impressive – I have enjoied looking at your work here.
Tim Lee
I have up until now only scanned my own materials to manipulate in photoshop.
I will continue to do so but I could not pass up your more than generous
site and some of the textures offered.
Wish you all the best.
Thank you very much ~
admin (author)
thanks tim i will keep going…
Thanks very much !
Thank you for this nice stuff !!
friendly regards
Great site and great images. I think I’ll start putting an NYC collection together and try to offer something similar.
its realy good to offer this kind of footage,if you need some renderman shaders or something about rendering and lighting mail me i wil give you wat you want.
Hello Rabie, I currently don´t need renderman shaders but nevertheless thank you very much for your offer!
wonderfull stuff.
thanks for your effort!!!
Amazing work. Does “open” mean we can use some of your textures ?
Yes you can use them in commercial or non commercial works. They are all released under this creative commons license :https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/
Wonderful, thank you! I’ll let you know if I use them.
hi men
i live in argentina, i’m a 3D artist too, anda a grafic designer and animator
i love the stuf i found here!!!!
Wooow!!! You are the master of the masters!! What a great person you are!!
Greetings from Perra in Stockholm
ex Cathedra
Dear Sir,
Your site is surely the most successful I have ever seen. Thank you very much for your dedication and kind efforts.
ex Cathedra
Istanbul, Turkey
Klaus Ruttmann
Still an insider tip?
24th post after all this generous gifts?
Well, it took me for more than to long to say
Thank you.
My best compliments for the site! Thank you very much for sharing all these great stuff!
your stuff is excellent!!!
love the burning cigarette! very good! love to see those fire macros hi res stuff 🙂 thankyou kindly from australia!
many thanks
good stuffs for downloading 🙂
Thank you very much for your effort.
Fantastic work and website.
Thank you very much for sharing!!! 🙂
Nice web page, i got link to this page from digital tutors tutorial for 3d max. This stuff you are shearing is gold 🙂 i lokked for hdr long time but just here i found it in very high rez, thank U. Best wishes from Lithuania (middle of Europ)
Vitaly Alyonkin
Hi from Russia, Moscow!
Thank you for amazing work and beautiful textures!!!
It would be desirable to see textures of trees and bushes with alpha channel in the future 🙂
Paul Tremonti
Hi from the United States. Fantastic professional work you have. Thank you for sharring your hard and time consuming work.
Hallo aus Österreich!
Bin grad durch ein Videotutorial auf deine Seite aufmerksam geworden und es ist genau das was ich brauche! Vielen Dank!
I want to say that your work is great.
Hallo! Bin auch Ösi^^
Deine Arbeit ist perfekt und genau das, was ich zur Zeit benötige! Vielen Dank!
Grüße aus Vorarlberg
We used your HDR images for our CarTune progarm, which is awarded 3rd place for Quest3D Awards 2009.
So we would like to thank you for your very kindness for sharing the very nice HDR.
Thank you!!
Great Stuffs!!
Hello, Rabie (it`s your name?) Very glad to use your site. I`m from Russia. Your HDRI-wonderful! Panorama and video FANTASTICK! Thank you very mutch!!!!! Have fun )))
Excellent stuff, specially the HDRI panoramas! Thanks
Found your web just today from an envato marketplace, man this stuff is just sooooooo greatttttt….
Best Regards…
Form Central America
wie erstellst du die HDRI-Longitude/latitude maps?
Gestitched? Mirrored Ball abfotografiert mit zig megapixel? (angularMap und dann mit z.b. hdrshop Panoramaic Transformation – Longitude/Latitude)
Wäre wirklich sehr an deiner arbeitsweise bei der erstellung der texturen interressiert. Hab schon einige erfahrungen mit dem abfotografieren einer kugel gesammelt. wegen der relativ geringen auflöung (da ccd nicht quadratisch) würde ich gern das ganze lieber direkt fotografieren und zusammen-stitchen, dann in ne longitude/latitude transformieren..??
außerdem vielen dank für die tollen hdrs!!:)
tolle arbeit!!
Wow! Very nice site! Thank you so much. I’m glad to see we have an alternative than paying $$$$$ to GETTY IMAGES!
I’ve been looking in many places for high quality stock footages but don’t really have the budget for the ones I see. Until I found your site. You have such an amazing collection here. And all for free! Thank you! I’ll definitely be coming back and link your site on my blog.
Just wanted to say thank you for all the goodies. I haven’t made a contribution yet, but I do plan to do so. Your work is definitely worth supporting.
Hallo nach Salzburg-Lehen aus Salzburg-Gnigl!
Danke für die HDRI, kann sie in Cinema 4D als Hobbiest gut verwenden. Muss mal versuchen, sie in Animationen zu verwenden. Gute Arbeit – Respekt – und nochmals sanke!
I just wanted to say good job and a big thank you for all of your resources.
Keep up the good work and thanks again.
Really really good resource with some top quality HDR images. Any plans to create some internal HDRIs?
Thanks man, don’t stop doing what you’re doing!
temp-64GTX [Aleksandr]
This is the best HDRI’s that I’ve ever seen. I love Hi-res 🙂
Many thanks to you from Novosibirsk (Russia)
First of all thank you very much for sharing your footage! I don’t know if I use it. I will let you know!
Regards from Italy!
Fantastic stuff. The quality level and accuracy with which you are working is impressive.
In the train now, will Paypal you ASAP …
Grüezi uus Basel –